Plants vs. Zombies 2 Finally Launches, Although It’s a Soft Launch in Australia and New Zealand

Could Plants vs. Zombies 2 be the next Duke Nukem Forever? Sure, they haven’t been developing the game for more than a decade or anything, but with all of these delays and soft launches, it sort of feels like it. Today, PopCap’s Sr. Producer Allen Murray, took to the company’s blog to announce the availability or lack thereof of their upcoming mega title.

The game has technically launched, but it’s a soft launch that is taking place in only Australia and New Zealand. Yeah, that’s kind of a bummer for anyone who has been waiting for this sequel since earlier this year. 

What gives, PopCap? Why no U.S. love yet?

The goals of this focused launch are twofold: First, it’s to test our back-end server capacity to make sure we are ready and capable of handling the traffic of our players worldwide. (Don’t worry, you don’t have to be connected to play, we just want to make sure everyone can get the game.) Second, it’s an opportunity for us to test at scale how our players play the game as well as how they interact with our store.

Oh, well I guess that makes sense. We will do our best to keep you posted on the game’s launch here in America.

Via: PopCap

This post was last modified on January 4, 2020 5:15 pm

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