Google+ for Android Updated: What’s Hot, Who +1’ed, and Other Performance Tweaks Included


The Google+ team rolled out a significant update to their Android app today. Two features that were talked about back in January are now included:  the What’s Hot list and the ability to see who +1’ed a post. They also tossed in an infinite photos feed, the stream no longer jumps to the top for auto-refreshes, and stream posts have been shortened. Thanks, Google.

Full changelog:

  1. Massive performance improvements across the app
  2. What’s Hot!
  3. View who +1’d a post or comment
  4. Stream posts shortened to fit more per scroll
  5. Infinite photos feed in ‘From your circles’
  6. Stream no longer jumps to the top for an automatic refresh

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Still curious, is anyone using Google+ yet? We are on there more than ever now, but it still seems like it isn’t pulling folks away from that other social networking service.

This post was last modified on January 10, 2020 2:27 pm

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