Galaxy Nexus Image Points Towards November 10 Release?

After signing up for the latest info on the Galaxy Nexus on Verizon, you should have received an email back thanking you. If you view that email as a web page and then take a look at the image included specifically, you see what we have captured above. Now, we are clearly going all conspiracy theory on you since we can’t help but find ways to talk about the G-Nex, but that most definitely includes the numbers 11 and 10. 11/10? November 10? That would be the same date that we have shown you on multiple occasions in Verizon systems and MAP lists.

I wouldn’t go as far as saying that this “confirms” an 11/10 launch or anything, but it could be another sign as if there weren’t enough already. Oh, and the RAZR is most definitely launching on the 10th as well, plus HTC is going to announce the Rezound next week with a potential launch the following Thursday. Could Verizon really drop three of the biggest Android phones in history on the same day?

Cheers Arda!

This post was last modified on October 27, 2011 1:03 am

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