ISIS to Change Name Due to Islamic Militants

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Michael Abbott, CEO of ISIS, announced today that the company will be changing its name and branding, due to the rise in media coverage of a militant group whose name, when translated to English is Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ends up with the acronym of “ISIS.” 

This group is responsible for much suffering in certain parts of the world, so in an attempt to distance his company’s brand from any type of relation, they have decided a major change was necessary. 

In the following blog post, Abbott states that they have not yet come up with a name, but are putting a lot of effort into the decision. Check out the full statement below.

Anyone here have a good name ISIS can use?

Recently, we have observed with growing concern a militant group whose name, when translated into English, is Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – often referenced by the acronym ISIS.

The ISIS militant group has been linked to sectarian violence against civilians and government forces in Iraq and Syria.

However coincidental, we have no interest in sharing a name with a group whose name has become synonymous with violence and our hearts go out to those who are suffering. As a company, we have made the decision to rebrand.

Changing a brand is never easy, but we know this is the right decision – for our company, our partners and our customers.

We are actively working on a new brand, and I’ll share more with you as our journey progresses in the coming months.




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