Thursday Question: How’s the Android 14 Beta Treating You?

As the very famous saying goes, the one that I made up just now, “New beta, new bugs.” It’s a riff on Biggie’s Mo Money Mo Problems. Anyway, we’re seeking to discover how the brand new beta for Android 14 is treating you. Why do we ask? Well, let’s just say a few folks across the web are experiencing issues here and there. It’s nothing too major, typical beta stuff, but the latest Android build from Google is certainly not without its problems.

I’m not exactly sure what people are so upset about. It’s a beta, so things are supposed to be broken, right? Or maybe they aren’t upset at all and are simply trying to bring Google’s attention to certain issues to ensure they get fixed. Regardless, the Android 14 beta doesn’t seem to be as daily driver ready as past betas have been. Know that before flashing it onto your Pixel device.

A few of the bugs that have been highlighted by the Android community include but are not limited to: Cellular connection type not showing in notification bar, non-working adaptive brightness, crashing wallpaper and style section, as well as fingerprint scanner issues.

Two of those issues, the wallpaper/ style section crashing and the missing connection type icon, are easily fixed. Beyond that, the problems could likely take a bit of work by Google and require an update to be pushed out eventually. However, since this is a beta after all, there’s no telling if Google has put a rush on these fixes.

Now I turn it over to you, our lovely community. How’s the Android 14 beta treating you and your Pixel phone?

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