YouTube Music Gets Personalized Mix Playlists to Let You Just Jam, Man

YouTube Music gets improvements on a regular basis in an attempt by Google to create a music service you might want to be a part of one day. I’m not sure we are quite there yet, but with the introduction of three new personalized playlists based on your listening preferences, we’re taking a step closer in that direction today.

Google and YouTube Music are now providing the Discover Mix, New Release Mix, and Your Mix playlists that feature music you might like, do like, or need to like. Discover will show you hidden gems or an artist similar to your other favs, New Release will get you the goods from your favorite artists, and Your Mix is straight fire from the artists “you know and love.”

Here’s how YouTube Music describes them:

  • Discover Mix: Whether introducing you to an entirely new artist you’ve never heard before, or unearthing hidden, lesser-known gems from artists you’re already familiar with, Discover Mix will give you 50 tracks every week that help you expand your musical horizons. With new updates every Wednesday, it’s your go-to playlist to discover music.
  • New Release Mix: This mix is your one-stop shop for a playlist of all the most recent releases by your favorite artists (and others we think you’ll like). Expect a big update every Friday (when most new releases drop) along with mid-week releases sprinkled in throughout the week to ensure you are always up-to-date on the latest releases.
  • Your Mix: Your Mix is the perfect playlist for those times when you don’t want to think and just want to play something you know you’ll like. It’s full of songs by artists you know and love, and also mixes in some songs and artists you’ve never heard before, but that we think you’ll love. Small updates are made regularly, so the music never gets stale and there’s always something new in rotation.

So every week, you’ll get a new Discover Mix, along with an update every Friday to the New Release Mix. The Your Mix won’t change dramatically very often, but will see small updates to keep it fresh.

You sign-up for YouTube Music yet?

// YouTube

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