Wednesday Poll: How Attached to Your Phone are You?

With Essential showing off its new perspective on mobile this week, one that we believe will carry the idea of humanity shedding its necessity to constantly be glued to their smartphones, we’re curious how attached you may be to your current phone. We understand this is an Android blog, meaning if you’re reading this you probably love your phone and use it constantly, but seriously, how attached are you?

For me, I take my phone everywhere, but over the past couple of years, I’ve felt this desire to not be so attached to it. This feeling probably stems from social media, which I really can’t stand at the moment. However, I never know when I might need a camera, so having my phone with me is basically a must. I can’t seem to not take it with me.

How about you? Are you and your phone attached at the hip or do you disconnect from it time to time?

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