Droid Life Q&A Sessions: Volume 54 Answers

Alright, it’s time for Volume 54 answers of the Droid Life Q&A Sessions.

Last week, a ton of you submitted great questions, such as our thoughts on buying a Huawei phone given the current political climate, if we believe in the future of portless and holeless phones, as well as our biggest hopes and/or fears for the industry in the next 20 years.

Sorry for the tardiness on these answers, folks! Let’s get right to it.

Reminder: K is Kellen and T is Tim.

Do you still feel comfortable buying Huawei phones?

K:  Yeah, the concerns from the US government don’t necessarily leave me worried. I just don’t buy their phones because their software is pretty awful. As great as their hardware design is, they have a super bloated skin that isn’t that fun to use.

T:  For the most part, yes. However, I do understand that there are legitimate concerns regarding the company and its practices. While it’s still possible to buy Huawei phones in the US, the selection is pretty limited and I think anyone doing a bit of research on phone buying isn’t likely buying one or importing one. My point is, even if you want to buy a Huawei phone in the US, it’s not the easiest thing to do right now.

When did Droid Life become more than a hobby for you?

K:  August 2010 was the month I quit my job to do this full time. It was scary, but corporate jobs were never my thing. I always wanted to do something that let me be the boss that didn’t require 20 years of slowly climbing a ladder.

T:  I don’t recall the exact timing right off, feels like a decade ago now, but I knew I was very excited to be quitting my current job and to start focusing on Android and the Android community full-time. It’s a little nerve wracking because you have no idea what to expect, but looking back, I don’t regret a single thing about the decision.

Do you believe the US smartphone market will eventually get left behind by all the innovation that is going on in China?

K:  We’re starting to see the US smartphone market behind already. Chinese phone companies are constantly trying out new things. We talked about 2 or 3 Vivo phones last year alone that all had some new tech or design idea. And then at the end of the year, Google released the Pixel 3 XL, with the worst, most dated notch design in history. So yeah, I think the US is going to get left behind because phones sold here arrive late and without the newest of the new. I think that’s part of the reason we’ll continue to see OnePlus have success.

T:  When has the US market not been behind the Asian markets? The pace at which they evolve is incredible. The one thing I know we’re all on a level playing field with right now is 5G, but if history serves us well, I suspect their rollout will be much faster than ours. Basically, we’ve already been left behind in my opinion.

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What are you hoping to see (or dreading) most in the industry by 2040?

K:  20 years from now? I have no idea. Maybe we won’t have phones by then. Hopefully, in 20 years, our lives will be less plugged in and more efficient. Screen time is a bad thing and we all get too much of it.

T:  I’m dreading the monopolization of American broadband. Without proper regulation, it seems like only a matter of time until we’re all just poor and helpless kittens suckling at Comcast or Charter’s nipples. Oh wait, that’s already happening. I can picture it right now, Comcast and Verizon merging to become some ultra company in control of basically all things digital access. Yucky!

Do you see portless phones becoming a thing?

K:  They could be, I just don’t know that I want them to be. Making charging your phone such a pain or transferring a file around or forcing someone to go wireless for everything isn’t a great move. Ports are fine. Portless phones are gimmicks.

T:  Oh, absolutely. I’ve been giving it a bit of thought and besides the eSIM, only because I like to be able to swap phones very quickly at any time, I think I could manage just fine with no USB-C, headphone jack, or anything else. I guess the lack of external speaker situation would also suck, but I can always Bluetooth it. I say, “Bring it on!”

Are you getting on the hype train for the resurrected Razr line?

K:  Oh hell yes. I don’t think I ever owned one of the original flip Razr phones, but if Lenovo can bring us a foldable display Razr, it’ll be awesome. The Razr is so iconic and it deserves to return with next-gen tech, not like that garbage carbon fiber design Moto tried to do a few years back with 18 different Razr models.

T:  I remember the “cool kids” in high school had Razrs. I was not one of them. Instead, I spent my time in a dark bedroom, playing guitar and listening to music you’d hear at Hot Topic. I think I had some random Nokia phone or LG flip phone, I can’t remember. Either way, I have no strong ties to the Razr branding as others in this industry might. And no, I don’t plan on spending an estimated $1,500 on a Motorola phone, but I’ll gladly review one!

What was your favorite show from the 90’s?

K:  Definitely the Simpson’s and all the basketball I could consume.

T:  I was born in 1989, so 90’s TV was my babysitter. I enjoyed The Simpson’s, Seinfeld, X-Files, Fresh Prince, All That, Mad TV, and plenty of South Park. Man, 90’s TV was kickass, dude!

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