Facebook is Shutting Down Hello, tbh, and Moves Apps

Facebook announced this week that it is shutting down three apps: Hello, tbh, and Moves. If you’re somewhat unfamiliar with these apps, I don’t blame you at all, simply because Facebook’s cause for closing them down is lack of usage.

For closing dates, Facebook says Hello will be shut down in a few weeks, Moves will close on July 31, but the company didn’t provide exact details for tbh. Furthermore, Facebook will delete the user data from all three of these apps within 90 days.

Here’s what Facebook said about the three apps.

We know some people are still using these apps and will be disappointed — and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support. But we need to prioritize our work so we don’t spread ourselves too thin. And it’s only by trial and error that we’ll create great social experiences for people.

If you’re one of the people still using these apps, it’s time to say goodbye.

// Facebook

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