Google Unleashes .APP Domain for Web-Based Apps and Games

Google announced .app this morning, a TLD (top-level domain) aimed specifically at web-based app and game developers. With it, developers can have a safe place to set up their web-based creations, as well as share trustworthy download links.

According to Google, the key benefit to .app is security. From the start, HTTPS is required to connect to all .app websites, which will help protect against ad malware, tracking injections by service providers, and safeguarding against spying on open WiFi networks.

As Google describes it, “Because .app will be the first TLD with enforced security made available for general registration, it’s helping move the web to an HTTPS-everywhere future in a big way.”

If you’d like to secure your .app address right away, go over the details and availability here.

// Google

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