Essential Phone Now Certified for Use on Verizon’s Network

Over the weekend, Andy Rubin and the Essential team let us know that the Essential Phone’s Verizon certification process is now complete. Days before, they mentioned during a reddit AMA that they were close to finishing up and that the process should be complete within a day or two. Hey, they nailed a timing estimate! Things are lookin’ up!

Being certified to work with Verizon means you should be able to walk into a Verizon store and get a sales rep to activate your phone on the spot. Previously, even though we tested the phone (our review) on Verizon and it worked fine, you might have run into issues if you needed Verizon to activate a SIM card for the phone.

Andy Rubin did say via Twitter that a phone reboot might help if you are having issues connecting to Big Red’s network.

And that’s it!

This post was last modified on September 18, 2017 6:28 am

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