Google I/O Hopefuls Are Beginning to Receive Confirmation Emails

No picture depicts pure joy like that of this man wearing LG’s Tone Studio collar, so we felt it was appropriate for this post. Anyway, as the headline states, confirmation emails for those who entered for a chance to attend Google I/O 2017 are rolling out, which means, go check your inbox!

To make it this far, you will have had to put down a deposit of over $1,000 (unless you have a valid .edu email address, then its $300+), meaning there’s plenty of people who probably didn’t even bother. That’s quite a chunk of change to spend a few days in the scorching sun of Mountain View, CA. However, if you did want to go, you’ll be bumping shoulders with thousands of developers, Googlers, tech bloggers, and the latest Android tech. It’s quite an experience.

We have our fingers crossed for anyone and everyone who entered!

If you are attending, let us know! We’ll be in attendance and would love to grab beer, you know, because of the heat and all.

Cheers Kenneth (and congrats)!

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