Facebook is Giving You New Controls Over Ads, Will Bypass Your Ad Blocker

Facebook, like many internet properties who offer up free services and content, makes money from advertisements. Since the world hates advertisements, Facebook is introducing some new tools to users to help improve the ad experience when using the social network. But because they are giving you more power over the ads you see, they are also going to start bypassing your ad blocker, should you use one. 

You can access your Facebook ad preferences here. With today’s news, Facebook says that they are making these ad preferences “easier to use,” so that you can start eliminating ads you want no part of and “OK” those that you won’t mind seeing. That also means being able to kill off the ads from businesses and organizations. In the end, you have to see ads or Facebook won’t be around long, but these new tools should at least make them less obnoxious.

As for the ad blocker bypassing, Facebook thinks that because it is giving you control over the ads you see, you will have less issue with seeing ads and hopefully won’t run screaming from them as ads start showing again in your timeline and elsewhere. Whether you agree with that or not, it probably doesn’t matter. Facebook is a free service that you voluntarily visit and they need to make money. Ads are how they make money.

How are they going to bypass your ad blocker? Well, we don’t know because they didn’t say.

Enjoy the ads.


Via:  Facebook

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