Twitter Ditches Favorites, Replaces With Hearts, Calls Them “Likes”

Twitter announced this morning that it is ditching Favorites, a feature that has been built into the service for years. Favorites allowed users to place a star on a tweet, so they could show tweeters how much they liked the tweet, or to save it for later reading. Now, instead of Favorites, you will Heart tweets, and we will all call them “Likes.” You know, because I wasn’t already liking enough content on social media. 

The change is taking place immediately, with rollout happening today across all platforms. This includes changing Favorites to Hearts on the iOS and Android apps, through Tweetdeck, and the Vine Android app. Apparently, Twitter was looking for a more unified system, and since Hearts have become so popular on Periscope, they figured why not bring them to Twitter.

This is Twitter’s explanation for the change.

We are changing our star icon for favorites to a heart and we’ll be calling them likes. We want to make Twitter easier and more rewarding to use, and we know that at times the star could be confusing, especially to newcomers.

If you rock Twitter, expect to see the change today.

Via: Twitter

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