IFTTT Introduces the Android Battery Channel to Help You Conserve and Track Battery Life

If This Then That, better known as IFTTT, introduced a new Android Battery channel today to help all of us better manage battery life, trigger related actions when our phone is charging or not charging, and maybe even squeeze out a bit of extra juice when we are in the danger zone. The channel is live through the web, but does come in an update to the Android app as well. 

With the Android Battery channel, you can cook up recipes that do simple things like send you an email or SMS whenever your battery gets low. If that seems silly, think about something like having your phone automatically turn off WiFi or Bluetooth as your phone hits a certain percentage. Or maybe you just want your phone to send a notification to your Android Wear device as its battery dwindles. You could even go as far as to have the lights in your house blink when your battery has about had it.

Forget battery life for a second, though, and think about other triggers. Like, say you plug in your phone every night before you go to bed – you could have an IFTTT recipe that then turns the temperature down in your home the minute that happens. You could also have it turn the temperature back up when you unplug in the morning.

Outside of the Android Battery channel, the update brought with it Trello and Weebly channels, recommendations in your feed, and 2-factor authentication.

Play Link | IFTTT Battery Channel

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