Google Play Services 7.3 Allows for Multiple Wear Device Connections, More

Google announced an update to Google Play Services (v7.3) today that introduces new Android Wear and Google Fit APIs to help you all build better experiences into your apps that use either service. 

With Wear, Google is giving us the ability to connect multiple wear devices to a single mobile device. Better put, that means you can connect two watches to a single phone or tablet. But along with that new connectivity, new APIs are needed to better manage those connections, decide how to deal with messages, and figure out where data should be going to and not going to. If you check out the blog post linked below, Google walks through all of the new APIs that were created to handle all of that.

As for Google Fit, Google wants it to be easier for apps to grab up-to-date information from Fit (like steps or calories burned) and display it. Think watch faces being able to grab your current step count each time you look at it.

The rest of the update really is developer-specific stuff, so rather than attempt to sound like I know how to build apps, I’ll have to push you to today’s post on the announcement and the video below. Have fun, devs.


Via:  Android Developers

This post was last modified on April 28, 2015 2:17 pm

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