YouTube Lightly Details Upcoming Platform-Wide Subscription Service

In an email that YouTube sent out to partners, which happened to hit our inbox, the Google-owned video upload and streaming service detailed an upcoming subscription ad-free service for users. 

According to YouTube, subscription services are really taking off, so the natural evolution, plus as an added revenue stream, they will introduce the ability for YouTube users to pay a monthly subscription to the entire site, and in exchange, you will be able to view videos and browse content with zero advertisements.

The important part taken from the email is the following.

We’re excited to build on this momentum by taking another big step in favor of choice: offering fans an ads-free version of YouTube for a monthly fee. By creating a new paid offering, we’ll generate a new source of revenue that will supplement your fast growing advertising revenue.

Even though you would be paying a monthly subscription fee, with the price currently unknown, YouTube would then be ad-free, allowing you to support content creators, while also enjoying all of your favorite channels with no ads. It is kind of a win-win, as long as you are willing to pay a bit each month.

In the comments section, let us know how much you would be willing to pay for monthly ad-free access to YouTube.

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