Amazon Echo Receives Update, Brings Support for MLB Scores and Pandora Radio

The Amazon Echo, Amazon’s cylindrical computing device, capable of telling you the weather and adding things to your shopping list, received an update today. In the update, Alexa – Amazon’s name for the voice that speaks to you – can give you sports scores for the MLB and MLS, as well as play radio stations straight from Pandora. 

For example, if you own an Echo, you can say, “Alexa, play a heavy metal station from Pandora,” and boom, you got music playing. For sports, simply say, “Alexa, what’s the score of the San Francisco Giants game?” She should then let you know exactly how the Giants are doing.

Of course, not many people here probably own an Echo. The device is still invite only, and I placed my order back in January. My estimated arrival time is sometime between the end of May and early July. Hooray, Amazon!

Do you own an Echo? Do you love it?

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Via: Amazon

This post was last modified on May 9, 2017 8:46 am

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