About That Missing Toolbar…Action Bar…Whatever…From the New Google Play Update

Yesterday, there was a solid complaint session discussion in our comments about the new Google Play update that is about to add a search box to the top of the main Play page, replacing the Toolbar or action bar or whatever Google is calling it today. The update was teased as a GIF in a G+ post by Kirill Grouchnikov, who works as an interface engineer on the Android team.

This morning, Grouchnikov posted another animated GIF of the new Google Play, likely in response to a growing number of comments both here and in his original post about the move away from the Toolbar. As it turns out, the Toolbar is still alive in the app, it’s just taking on a different form as the search box on the main page, but then returns as its normal self on category pages. If that makes sense. Hey, whatever! Flexibility! Or something.

At least the animation is hot.

Anyone see this update yet?

Via:  +Kirill Grouchnikov

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