Twitter Experiments with Embedded “Buy Now” Button, Lets You Purchase Stuff Directly from Tweets

Admit it, you have spotted a cool product in a tweet from the endless stream you scroll through every day, and thought to yourself, “Wouldn’t it be great if there was a ‘Buy’ button?” Well, Twitter’s got your back. In yet another attempt to monetize its growing audience, the social media mogul is experimenting with embedded buttons that let you purchase goods straight from the source.

Although, this is not just a referral link. The “Buy now” button, which is currently limited to a handful of retailers and musicians, can be used by organizations, companies, and individuals to sell merchandise directly to followers. From a user perspective, the transaction is dead simple – you need only provide shipping and payment information, which can be saved after use. Presumably, Twitter takes an unspecified cut.

Assuming the feature isn’t abused, it could certainly save a few minutes. Twitter thinks it’s especially useful for groups who sell merchandise, and I couldn’t agree more, as some musical groups have way less functional websites than others.

Expect to see “Buy now” buttons in your feed sometime soon.


Via: Twitter

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