Google Music Updated to v5.6.1616 – Adds “I’m Feeling Lucky” 1×1 Widget, Re-Skins Other Widget

Google Play Music received an update today to v5.6.1616, which is pretty minor considering the previous public build was v5.6.1609. The update does include two new goodies, though, a re-skinned 4×1 widget, plus another 1×1 widget that gives you instant access to “I’m feeling lucky” radio.

The new 1×1 widget allows you to single-tap, roll a die, and start listening to music that Google Music thinks you will enjoy. It’s super handy if you ever need a quick mix and don’t feel like even opening the app itself. 

If there are other changes, we aren’t seeing them yet. Feel free to drop additional changes in the comments as you see them.

Update:  We are seeing a “Manage downloads” section that allows you to see what has been downloaded and how much space you have available. You can finally undo songs that have been swiped away. Finally, you can long-press on songs to move them around in playlists or the queue.

Play Link | Download Link [mirror]

Cheers @huntken!

This post was last modified on August 6, 2014 11:52 am

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