Does This First Amazon Fire Phone Commercial Change Your Mind?

On the day that Amazon announced the Fire Phone, we opened up a thread for you all to weigh in with your immediate thoughts. Some of the shorter reactions included “Junk!” and “Hot garbage,” “Overpriced,” “Poop,” and “D.O.A.” Another said “It’s basically an Android phone with everything we love about Android removed and replaced with gimmicky garbage.” Others dropped lists of issues they had with the phone like, “overpriced, over customized, and shouldn’t be restricted to one carrier.”

We, of course, pointed out what we consider to be the biggest flaw pulled straight from the Fire Phone’s Amazon listing, which showed that zero Google apps are included or available to it. I think it is safe to say that the DL community is not exactly excited about Amazon’s first phone. 

With that said, the phone is still slated for release next Friday, July 25. And with that impending release we are seeing the first commercial for the Fire Phone. It features a couple of kids talking about what’s “on deck” and that the phone comes with free Amazon Prime. It’s cute, well, sort of.

So, with the Fire Phone only a week from launch, has your opinion changed? Is this commercial helping the cause? Or are we placing bets on how long it will take to see the first massive price cut?

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