Now Anyone in the US can Purchase Google Glass and Become an Explorer

Google is opening up the Google Glass Explorer program once again, except this time, they have no intentions to close it. Google states that as long as they have units to sell, anyone can buy them and become an Explorer. Of course, the price is still $1500, but if you are a true early adopter of all things tech related, here is your chance to own a pair. 

While Google continues to work on finalized hardware and software, the company is still looking for feedback from Explorers, meaning your job as a Google Glass owner is a very important one.

Here is what Google stated in the announcement.

We learned a lot when we opened our site a few weeks ago, so we’ve decided to move to a more open beta. We’re still in the Explorer Program while we continue to improve our hardware and software, but starting today anyone in the US can buy the Glass Explorer Edition, as long as we have it on hand.

Ready to drop $1500? You can do so here.

Via: +Google Glass

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