PayPal Shows Off Benefits of Using Biometric Authentication on Samsung Galaxy S5

Thanks to the fingerprint scanner found in the Galaxy S5, users can now work with PayPal to purchase goods online and in person, without the need of lengthy usernames and passwords or pulling out that credit card. According to a recent survey taken by PayPal and the National Cyber Security Alliance, 53% of Americans are ready to ditch passwords in exchange for something a bit more futuristic. 

Using PayPal to purchase things online appears to be quite simple, although you will need a PayPal account with funds available. Doing that is easy though, as users can easily attach their bank cards to PayPal, making the transfer of funds easy and secure.

When shopping at thousands of locations (as long as they take PayPal payments), in many different countries, all you will have to do is whip out your phone and swipe your finger once set up. To get an idea of how exactly the process works, check out the videos PayPal posted this morning below.

Is this one of the main features you plan on taking advantage of on your new Galaxy S5?


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