Minuum Keyboard 2.0 Hits Google Play, Try it Now for Free

Minuum, a third party keyboard among hundreds of others for Android, was funded through Indiegogo and released for Android last year. A new version hit Google Play this morning, version 2.0, and is free for all to try for a 30 day trial. 

Minuum is essentially a full keyboard, although it is condensed into a single row of keys. It might look quite different from your usual keyboard, but as you can see in the video we posted below, users can find themselves typing text messages much faster after getting used to the process.

The new 2.0 version is free to try out for 30 days, so if you haven’t given it try yet, go check it out.

Play Link


This post was last modified on March 13, 2014 11:55 am

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