You Don’t Need Another Android Twitter Client, but Fenix is a Nice New Option

Building a Twitter app makes no sense these days. Twitter killed off third party development long ago when it decided to limit tokens (users) to 100,000 and not give developers an opportunity to receive more unless they did something that was truly unique or added to the platform and avoided mimicking the “core user experience.” As you can imagine, that’s nearly impossible to do. So when we see apps like Fenix, we want to ask the developer, “What are you thinking and why are you wasting your time?” But in the end, if the app is decent, we’ll still give it some play, as there is a chance it could be the one for you. 

So yeah, here is Fenix, a new Twitter app that is currently in preview. It’s super simple, has a dedicated tablet layout, includes a hamburger navigation drawer, pull-to-refresh, and is really smooth and fast to use. You can quickly access lists or other sections of Twitter with a quick swipe, choose between light or dark themes, and even enjoy fancy animations on profile pages (think the new Play Newsstand app).

Feel free to check it out – it’s free.

Download Link

Via:  XDA

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