Google Search Also Now Syncs Notifications Between iOS and Android, Shows Simpler Mobile Results

Even after a new Google Search update for Android and the introduction of hashtags to searches came across the wire yesterday, Google has decided to continue improving their bread-and-butter product again today. For starters, the iOS Google Search app has been updated to include the clever “OK, Google” voice activation command. But more importantly, your Google Now notifications for things like Reminders, now sync between Android and iOS. So if you wanted to use your Android tablet to remind yourself to pick-up a 6-pack of Jubelale later in the day, you could in theory take an iPhone with you later on and still receive the reminder.

Also, Google is continuing its overhaul of mobile search results. You should see a look that is “cleaner and simpler, optimized for touch, with results clustered on cards so you can focus on the answers.” 

Via:  Inside Search

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