Google Adds Real Time Incident Reports From Waze Users to Google Maps

It has been only a few months since Google bought community-influenced map service Waze, but they are starting to incorporate its features into their own Google Maps service. In a new update, Google Maps will begin to feature reports of accidents, construction, road closures and more from Waze. So as the community-mapping service is filled with information from its users, the benefits will push forward onto the mapping service that most of you use, Google Maps.

The Waze integration will be available on Android and iOS in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Germany, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Switzerland, UK and the US.

Also, Waze will receive an update that will introduce Google Search and Street View. So no, Google isn’t ready to kill it off just yet.

Via:  Google Lat Long

This post was last modified on July 24, 2020 8:21 am

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