Amazon Goofed, Your Chromecast Orders Haven’t Been Pushed to October

If you ordered a Chromecast through Amazon prior to August 7 and were told that you’d see your order within a couple of weeks, potentially by August 21, you are still on schedule, according to an Amazon spokesperson. Yesterday, shipment update emails were sent out to a number of our readers who had ordered Google’s HDMI dongle, claiming that their orders had been delayed until October, months later than initially expected. Amazon has now admitted that this was “an incorrect estimated order delivery” date. 

Amazon is “actively fulfilling orders and all customers who placed orders prior to August 7 should receive their orders in the coming weeks,” according to this spokesperson. You should also see a new email with a correct estimated shipping date arrive in your inbox shortly.

Keep in mind that you Google Play is only showing a 2-3 week shipping estimate on the Chromecast. That’s not a terrible wait, especially with Amazon now showing a 2-3 month wait on new orders.

Via:  Wall Street Journal | Amazon

Cheers Scott and Ian!

This post was last modified on March 5, 2020 8:32 am

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