Foursquare Update Allows You to Check-in Your Friends

Foursquare – yes the social check-in app is still alive and well – announced that a newly released update for their mobile apps will introduce their “most-requested feature” ever. Any guesses on what that may be? Well, since I mentioned it in the title, you probably get it. Dammit. Anyways, yes, Foursquare now allows you to check-in your friends! Did you really all request this? 

A couple of things to keep in mind:

  • When you check-in and choose the “I’m with…” button, you can add friends just like you always have. But now, when you press the “Check in Here” button, Foursquare will notify your friend that you are trying to check them in. If they’d like to allow you to do that, they can go ahead and approve this action. Going forward, they will always be checked in should their friends add them to a check-in.
  • What if your friend beat you to the punch? If you check in at the same place, before or after the friend check-in, yours will be the only one Foursquare shows. So you can always get your photo in, or tell everyone what you’re doing.
  • You’ll get a notification every time a friend checks you in. Don’t want to be checked in? Foursquare added an easy delete button so you can get rid of it with one tap.

And that’s that. Go check-in somewhere and try it.

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Via:  Foursquare

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