Sliding Messaging and PushBullet Both Receive DashClock Support

Two of our favorite apps received updates within the last 24 hours that brings support for another favorite app of the moment, DashClock. Both PushBullet and Sliding Messaging now include extension support for the hottest lock screen widget of the year. In Sliding Messaging, you’ll see an unread message count that can be tapped to launch into the app. PushBullet’s extension shows the number of pushes you’ve made to your device along with a preview of your most recent push. When tapped, it launches into the list of recent pushes.

Other than DashClock support, Sliding Messaging brought in a new grey text color option, option to use Android Emojis, better handling of messages, speed improvements and bug fixes. PushBullet now plays your default notification sound when pushes are received and should have less bugs.

Any other new DashClock extensions that we haven’t seen?

Play Links:  PushBullet | Sliding Messaging Pro

This post was last modified on January 4, 2020 10:42 am

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