Google Holding Contest to Make You a Glass Explorer, How Would You Use Glass?

This morning, Google launched a website that the world can visit to see how it feels to use Glass, their oft-talked about wearable smart glasses. If you watched the video and thought “man I could do some cool stuff with that” then Google wants you to tell them about it. Google is looking for “bold, creative individuals” to contact them with the hashtag #ifihadglass to let them know how they would use Google Glass.

Google+ and Twitter are the methods of entering this contest with submissions being 50 words or less, but Google will be more likely to look at it if you include a few photos or videos of what you plan on doing. The only downside is that you still have to foot the $1,500 price tag to get in on the program. Yes, if you win the “contest,” you still have to fork out $1,500. If that’s not a problem for you, Google wants you in on this.

So we have to ask, what would you do if you had Glass?

Via: Google

This post was last modified on January 31, 2014 8:13 am

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