Madfinger Teases ShadowGun Deadzone Multiplayer Addition As We Still Await Release Details

We won’t get into how long we’ve been waiting for the multiplayer “Deadzone” version of SHADOWGUN, but do know that we played it all the way back at CES in January and we were told that we could expect a launch in Q1 of this year. As you may have realized, Q1 was really long ago and we’re now sitting in Q4, still awaiting release information. 

Today, Madfinger took to their Facebook page and uploaded the above image which has us all pretty hyped. From just this image, we can see there has been a lot of character and weapon additions to the one we previewed at CES. If you click on and enlarge the image, you can definitely get a good look at these characters and tell that Madfinger means some serious business when it comes to Deadzone.

So, it’s back to waiting I suppose. We’ll keep you posted if anymore information comes our way.

Via: Facebook

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