Humble Bundle #3 Adds Four More Games, Including Osmos and Anomaly: Warzone Earth

The folks behind the Humble Bundle just pinged us because they have included 4 additional games in the current bundle #3 that was launched last week. Thanks to an ultra-successful campaign that eclipsed $500K in sales and 80,000 purchases, they thought this was a great way to reward everyone. The new games are Osmos, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, World of Goo, and EDGE. All of this titles were featured in previous bundles, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you haven’t had a chance to grab them yet. 

So here is how you get them:

  • If you already purchased Humble Bundle #3, then you can go download these 4 additional games today. They should already be listed in your downloads page.
  • If you have yet to purchase Bundle #3, then all you have to do is set your purchase price to higher than the average and you get it all, including the 5 original games.

Go get ’em!

Via:  Humble Bundle

This post was last modified on August 22, 2012 11:29 am

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