Mobile Panda: Android 4.0.5 is Next for the Galaxy Nexus, Not Until April Though?

Our friend, the Mobile Panda aka @black_man_x tossed out a quick, but important Tweet this afternoon that has to do with your Galaxy Nexus. As someone that has a well known insider track record when it comes to Verizon and LTE devices, we usually listen when he has something to spit out. Android “4.0.5” and “April” is what he dropped today. According to Sir Panda, 4.0.5 is in testing and fixes “audio reboot issue as well as data falling asleep.” That should make you smile, right? April is a bit late seeing as the device was released in December, but what can you do?

For whatever reason, Google seems to have really struggled to get ICS to play nicely with their own flagship device, the G-Nex. You may remember that the day after it launched, the Android team announced that the 4.0.2 that it was running was old news and that 4.0.3 would be the starting point for OEMs going forward. Ever since, users have been stuck with an extremely buggy build and have fallen back on the developer community to help make their devices more stable. Part of me says, “Well, that’s what this device is for isn’t it?” while the other part can’t help buy think, “Really? 4 months and no updates for any Nexus device?” April can’t get here fast enough.

No better way to raise spirits than a new Android build.

This post was last modified on March 20, 2012 2:51 pm

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