HTC EVO 4G vs. Motorold Droid – Comparison Sheet

Check out the comparison sheet that Wirefly just put together for the HTC EVO 4G and the Motorola Droid.  Without even looking at this, it’s going to be pretty obvious who has the edge, but still, take a look.  The specs you’ll see on the HTC EVO 4G will likely be met and possibly enhanced for the Droid 2 or the Motorola Shadow.

One thing to point out is the weight of the devices.  I find it fascinating that the EVO weighs the same as the Droid yet lacks a full QWERTY keyboard.  Talk about a giant paperweight.  Ick.

And to read a full review head over here.

This post was last modified on May 5, 2010 10:00 pm

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