Spotify Intros ‘Jam’ for Sharing Music Experiences With Friends

This week, Spotify introduced a new way to jam tunes with friends, and very fittingly, the feature is called Jam. With Jam, you and friends gather into a session and listen to the same music in real-time.

When inside your shared queue, users can add their own tunes and get automated suggestions from Spotify. As Spotify explains, everyone in the Jam can add songs to the queue, see who added which song, and receive recommendations. The host has the added ability to determine who’s in the Jam, change the order of the tracks, or remove a song that doesn’t fit the vibe.

Three ways to invite your friends to a Jam session:

  1. Turn on Bluetooth, then tap your phones together
  2. Have your friends scan the QR code on your host screen
  3. Hit “share” to send the link through social, text, SMS, and more

To start using Jam, you select a playlist or song and hit “Start a Jam” button by clicking the speaker icon at the bottom of your screen or by hitting the three dot menu within your favorite playlist or song. You’ll need to be a Premium user to start a Jam, but anyone (paid or unpaid) can join a jam.

Remember I loved that website. You would enter rooms based on music genres and you could be a DJ in the room, playing music for random people and they could upvote or downvote music. It was a fun way to be introduced to new tunes. Listening to new music with friends is always a good time.

// Spotify

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