Buy a Celebrity Voice for Your Alexa Device? Get Your Refund!

Did Amazon somehow convince you into buying a celebrity voice for your Alexa-powered device? It’s all good, we all make mistakes. Thankfully, you can get your money back, with Amazon announcing that they are shutting down celebrity voices for Alexa and issuing refunds to those who purchased.

Not only are Amazon users no longer able to buy celebrity voices, but the ability to use the already purchased voices functionality is also being stripped, hence Amazon’s need to refund buyers. The cost of the voices were as much as $5 a pop, which is insanity, so it’s good that Amazon is offering that money back to customers. Below are the dates when your celebrity voice will cease to work.

Shutdown Dates:

  • Samuel L. Jackson: June 7
  • Melissa McCarthy: September 30
  • Shaq: September 30

Ready to get your money back? Simply contact Amazon’s customer support and they will get it all situated for you. It’s not an automated process, unfortunately.

Neat idea, but not something anyone should need in their life.

// The Verge