Pixel Phones Getting Magic Editor for Google Photos Later This Year

Consider yourself someone who can never frame the right shot or is always stricken with subpar lighting conditions when you go to take a photo? Well, Google’s AI is here to help. Introducing Magic Editor for Google Photos, scheduled to arrive later this year,

Magic Editor appears to be real magic. It can automatically move subjects in photos to better areas, improve lighting by literally changing the color of the sky, and can also frame shots better by not just moving subjects, but by moving and creating additional portions of an item.

The header image above gives you and idea of what I’m referencing. Magic Editor pulled the bench to the middle of the shot, then also extended the bench to ensure it didn’t look too odd. Then it color popped the subject and brightened up the sky. Awesome.

Magic Editor will be available to Pixel devices first later this year.

// Google

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