Android 12 Most Installed Android Beta ‘By Far’

Google’s Dave Burke, VP of Engineering for Android, detailed this week that the Android 12 beta is by far the platform’s most downloaded and installed beta ever. That, obviously, is fantastic news for Google.

Unfortunately, Burke doesn’t provide specifics and there’s not a great way to even estimate what that number could be. Tens of thousands? Heck, hundreds of thousands? No matter what the number may be, Android 12 has been downloaded more than any other beta “by far” and that’s saying something.

While we don’t necessarily care how many times it has been downloaded, what we can attest to is how great the beta is. While it has no shortage of little bugs, the overall feel and look of Android 12 on Pixel devices has us so excited for Google’s upcoming hardware.

Have you installed Android 12 on your own device? What are you thinking?

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