Zoom Meetings Coming Soon to Smart Displays

Google announced this week that Google Assistant-powered smart displays will soon be able to host and join Zoom calls. While Google has its own Zoom competitor in Google Meet, the company is taking the highroad and says, “We want everyone to be able to keep in touch while staying safe, and that’s why we want you to be able to use the video calling option of your choice.”

How kind.

According to Google, it’ll be easy to start or join a group video call on your Nest Hub device. Users can say “Hey Google, start a meeting” to connect to anyone with a Zoom account. will also be able to join a video call from their Hub Max or other Assistant-enabled Smart Display. Google also details that you can easily move from one Zoom call to the next and can also join your next meeting by saying “Hey Google, join my next meeting” to easily connect to the next call on your Google Calendar.

For now, this integration is marked as coming soon, but it’s good to know that Google and Zoom are getting along.

// Google

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