Nobodies: Murder Cleaner, Helping You Channel Your Inner ‘Wolf’

Portland, OR is still locked down pretty tight (we’re hoping to reopen some things soon), but for the most part, we’re all still stuck at home. Because of this, I’ve been needing to discover new games to play on my phone. I recently came across Nobodies: Murder Cleaner, and while the game’s name is a bit off putting, the game is totally awesome.

In this game, which is free to download from Google Play, you are tasked with cleaning up murder scenes. No, you’re not doing this as CSI or some type of law enforcement, but instead, think The Wolf from the movie Pulp Fiction. For example, there’s a body that needs disposing of at a construction site. What better way to hide the body than to throw it down a hole and then pour concrete all over it, never to be seen again?

In each level, you’ll go around and tap on items and solve puzzles that will help you solve how each body should be disposed of. While the first level is pretty easy, warming you up to the game, each level gets increasingly more difficult. It’s a solid time waster game for when you’re on the couch just hanging out.

Go snag it!

Google Play Link

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