Forget the Disinfectant Wipes, Check Out This $90 Portable UVC Wand

My hope is that years in the future, our kids won’t know the struggle of bringing a car full of groceries home and having to wipe down each and every product with a disinfectant wipe. It’s not that I live in a constant state of fear or anything over this COVID-19 pandemic, but I do live by the “Better safe than sorry” motto, and for that reason, I will likely continue to wipe down my groceries for the foreseeable future.

The problem with that is, it’s extremely wasteful and if you hadn’t noticed, going out and buying disinfectant wipes isn’t as easy as it used to be. This is where UVC is having its moment, with many light-based disinfectant products being launched recently to help keep people safe by killing nasty germs using the power of ultraviolet.

The latest of said products is the CleanPod UVC Sterilizer wand from Monos, a maker of high-quality luggage and accessories.

This wand works the same way as other UVC products, such as Totallee’s UV Phone Sanitizer. The difference is, it’s not enclosed and it’s a portable wand that can travel with you. It’s perfect for waving over surfaces and the product description states that in 30 seconds of usage, users can kill up to 99.9% of germs.

“To use CleanPod, simply sweep it over the surface you want to sanitize for at least 30 seconds, and the high-energy beam of UVC light goes to work on invisible pathogens,” Monos details on the product page. To me, that seems easy enough, and while that would take a bit longer versus a disinfectant wipe, it’s much less wasteful. As a conscientious consumer, I like that.

CleanPod is priced at $90, which is on par for a lot of these UVC products. They may seem expensive, but they’re investments, so treat it as such. According to Monos, Partial proceeds from every CleanPod will be donated to United Way Centraide Canada’s COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund, which helps provide essential needs and support services to the most vulnerable people being impacted in communities across Canada. We love you, Canada, stay well!

I expect to have my own CleanPod soon courtesy of Monos, so if you want me to do a little science experiment with some Petri dishes, let me know in the comments and I’ll get right on it. In the meantime, if you want your own, follow the link below.

CleanPod Purchase Link

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