Machine Learning Powers New ‘Impromptu’ Lenovo Smart Clock Alarm Ringtone

Google and Lenovo are shipping out an update to owners of the Smart Clock this week, one that brings an entirely new alarm ringtone powered by machine learning, fine-tuned automatic brightness, plus a new music recommendation card for accessing playlists.

The big addition is Impromptu, the new alarm ringtone powered by machine learning. Basically, this new alarm fits into its environment, dependent on time of day and local weather. Google offers the example, “If your alarm goes off early in the morning and the weather is less than 50 degrees, you may hear this ringtone.”

To be honest, it might not be as fancy as it sounds, but it’s still neat.

As I mentioned previously, Google and Lenovo are also including a fine-tuned auto brightness feature, new music recommendation card, and owners will also find granular control over how long alarms last (now up to 60 minutes).

Enjoy that update, Smart Clock owners.

// Google

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