G Suite Users Get New Google Assistant Functions for Email and Calendar Events

G Suite account users, so long as their admins are nice people, can now have beta access to additional Google Assistant functionality for Google Calendar and Gmail functions.

Once opted into by an admin, which is required because you’re opening up what could be sensitive data to Assistant, you’ll be able to create new calendar events, send emails, dial into meetings, plus a whole lot more.

The Google Assistant will respond to voice commands for certain Google Calendar and Gmail functions and:

  • Let you know when your next meeting is
  • Create, cancel or reschedule a Calendar event
  • Send a note to event attendees via email
  • Send an email
  • Dial into a meeting

End users won’t need to do anything to get this started, but admins, you’ll need to fill out this form to get the ball rolling.

// Google

This post was last modified on November 21, 2019 10:03 am

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