Out There Sequel, Oceans of Time, Set to Launch in 2020

If you have followed us for a few years, you may have heard me talk about a game called Out There from time to time. It’s an amazing game, simply because I love space and the replayability factor is off the charts.

Well, an official sequel has been announced! We don’t have a launch date yet, but there is a teaser trailer (placed above). According to Steam, the launch is set for 2020.

About This Game

In a far-flung corner of the universe where humans are a mistrusted minority, you were entrusted with transported the most dangerous being alive to an impregnable prison—and it escaped. Now you must lead a team of explorers, misfits, and bounty hunters on a galaxy-spanning mission of redemption to find the Archon and recapture it before it is too late.

My body is ready.

As soon as it launches, we shall let you know! In the meantime, seriously give Out There a go. It’s one of those games where you never quite feel like you win, but you do a little better each time.

// Mi-Clos Studio

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