Google Testing Play Pass, an Ad-Free, IAP-Free Subscription Service for Apps and Games

Google is slowly testing a new service for Google Play called Play Pass, a $4.99/month subscription Android users can sign up for, which in return offers ad-free and in-app purchase-free access to hundreds of premium apps and games.

In a screenshot sent to Android Police of an info page for the service, it says, “Explore a curated catalog spanning puzzle games to premium music apps and everything in between. From action hits to puzzles and fitness trackers, with Google Play Pass you unlock access to hundreds of premium apps and games without ads, download fees or in-app purchases.”

In other screenshots, we can get a feel for just a small portion of apps that are included in Play Pass. Games like Threes, Limbo, Stardew Valley, Monument Valley, and plenty others are showcased, but that’s just the start. Google says there are hundreds of titles available.

The service is in active testing, so if you happen to see it pop up in your Google Play store, let us know!

// Android Police

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