YouTube TV is Down! (Updated: Back!)

Yep, YouTube TV is down at the moment. Like you and the rest of Twitter, we missed the end of the first half of England and Croatia and are also worried about missing the second half. Let’s get it together in a hurry, Google.

For some, an error message of “Whoops – Currently there is no content available for this page. Refresh page to retry.” is appearing. Others on YouTube TV are just getting a blank page, as you can see above.

We’ll update this post to let you know when it comes back up. In the mean time, sign-up for Comcast! (I’m so kidding, Comcast is terrible.)

If you need another way to watch the 2nd half of the match, try through Fox Sports Go at this link (it may not let you authorize until YouTube TV is back up, though).

UPDATE 12:05PM: YouTube says they are working on it…

UPDATE 12:28PM: YouTube TV still seems to be down, but you can now watch through Fox Sports Go. It wasn’t previously letting you authorize your YouTube TV account – it is now. Watch here!

UPDATE 12:45PM: It’s back! Refresh!

This post was last modified on July 11, 2018 12:45 pm

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