Watch Sprint’s Super Bowl Commercial, Contemplate Choice Between Faking Death or Switching to Sprint

It’s Super Bowl commercial season, the time of year where Americans put aside their petty differences and decide which company releases the best TV spot during the big game. Man, I love America!

Well, Sprint is throwing its hat into the ring this year, basing this somewhat morbid commercial on the claim we’ve all heard via the “Can You Hear Me Now?” guy, that its network reliability is just 1% under Verizon’s. Insert extremely small text here that indicates these findings are based on 3rd-party research of voice and data in the top 106 markets. 

In the commercial, we see a man fake his own death by strapping a dummy into the driver’s seat of a SUV, then pushing it over a cliff. As a young child points out, this is illegal, but hey, it’s funny.

Because this man is not a smart criminal, he doesn’t look to see if there are potential witnesses, namely a dude walking around in a bright ass yellow jacket who just happens to know everything about Sprint’s network reliability claim. Needless to say, the thought of having to now kill the witness rushes through the man’s head. He can’t help but think that if only he had switched to Sprint in the first place, he wouldn’t be in this possibly homicidal predicament. If you can’t tell, I made up this last part.

Bring on the Super Bowl commercials!

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