Facebook News Feed to Show More Friends, Less Pages

Facebook is revamping your News Feed yet again, but this time, actually has its user’s interests and not business in mind. Shocking, I know. Over the next few weeks, your News Feed will now display more posts from your friends and family (or whoever you follow on FB), instead of making Pages a priority.

These changes will primarily affect those who have many friends, as it’s possible that many status updates are being missed due to how many folks you follow. To ensure you are not missing those pregnancy announcements or new puppy dog pictures, News Feed will be making a priority of bringing those posts to the top. 

Sadly, for those who run Pages, you may see a dip in numbers due to these changes. According to Facebook, “we anticipate that this update may cause reach and referral traffic to decline for some Pages.” Furthermore, the exact impact on your Page’s distribution numbers and other various metrics may vary depending on the, “composition of your audience.” For example, if your Page’s posts get shared and then liked and commented on via the sharer’s post, your traffic may not dip. However, if much of your traffic comes from posts you make onto your Page, which is then saw only by people who follow the Page, you will likely see a dip in numbers.

As mentioned, look to see these changes happen over the next few weeks.

Via: Facebook [2]

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